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Result of the Exam Computer Networks in WS1920

152 students of the FRA-UAS and 23 students of the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) had enrolled for the exam on February 19th 2020.

116 students of the FRA-UAS and all 23 students of the VGU attended the exam.

The following table presents the distribution of the grades.

Grade    Points                   FRA-UAS             VGU
1.0      >75.5                    18                  7           
1.3      72.0 - 75.5              14                  3           
1.7      68.0 - 71.5              18                  5           
2.0      64.0 - 67.0              16                  3           
2.3      60.0 - 63.5              12                  2           
2.7      56.0 - 59.0               5                  2                 
3.0      52.0 - 55.5               7                  1
3.3      48.0 - 51.0               3                  -
3.7      44.0 - 47.5               8                  -
4.0      40.0 - 43.0               4                  -
5.0      <40                      11                  -
                    Participants: 116                 23
             Grade Point Average: 2.33                1.67

The big difference between the average grades of the students of the FRA-UAS and the students of the VGU is noteworthy!

Question 4a included an error. Therefore all participants got the 3 points, which was the maximum number of points for this question.

Prof. Dr. Christian Baun
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
(1971-2014: Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main)
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Last updated: March 22th 2020