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Result of the written examination in Cloud Computing (WS1314)

Maximum achievable points: 90

Grade    Points                   Quantity
1.0      90 - 86.5                4
1.3      86 - 82.5                4
1.7      82 - 78.5                2
2.0      78 - 74.5                4
2.3      74 - 70.5                2
2.7      70 - 66.5                3
3.0      66 - 62.5                2
3.3      62 - 58.5                -
3.7      58 - 54.5                - 
4.0      54 - 50                  -
5.0      <50                      1
                    Participants: 22
             Grade Point Average: 2,01

Prof. Dr. Christian Baun
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Last updated: February 12th 2014
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